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Montipora Nodosa

Encrusting massive species with vivid orange coloration. Otherwise known as the "poor-man's sunset", this coral can achieve an orange phosphorescent color just as intense as what I have seen on a sunset monti.

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frags available $ 25  -  40

Montipora Nodosa (Sunset)

Other wise known as the "Sunset Monti" This species has an encrusting massive growth form. The base color is usually red/orange and the polyps are green. This picture was taken under a 14K halide light

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   frags available  $ 25 - 35


Montipora undata

This is a retired Steve Tyree LE. This species forms columns and thick encrusting plates. Polyps are small and on this colony they have a green tint. Under daylight (left) the colony is a strong purple but under antic light it becomes an intense blue, with green polyps.
Requirements: High to medium light with medium current

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no frags available  $30

Montipora undata (True Undata)

 This species forms columns and thick encrusting plates. Polyps are small and on this colony they have a green tint. This coral originated from Eric of Frag Farmers back in 2007.
Requirements: High to medium light with medium current

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  frags available  $25 to 35

Montipora mollis (pink)

An encrusting massive species this one grows like pinkish/orange icing flowing across the rocks. It is starting to form some mounds and possible branches, this may be something similar to M_setosa but not as branching. The color for me seems to vary depending on the seasons, at times it is an extremely pink other times it is an orange.

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1 frag available  $20 - 25

Montipora caliculata

 This species encrusts and forms irregular columns. The growing edge is an intense bluish purple, the main body is green and the polyps are reddish. Picture taken under 20K light

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frags available $ 25 - 40


Montipora tuberculosa (blue with green then red polyps)

Other wise known as the "Rainbow Monti" This species has an encrusting massive growth form. The base color is usually blue and the polyps start out green and fade to orange/red at the growing margins. Picture taken under 20K light

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 frags available $ 25 - 40


Montipora tuberculosa (blue with red polyps)

Other wise known as the "Superman danae" This species has an encrusting massive growth form. The base color is usually blue and the polyps are bright red. Picture taken under 20K light

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  frags available $ 25 -  40

Montipora peltformis (Similar to the Lakers Monti)

This species mostly encrusts and will form horizontal plates. the growing edge has a yellowish growing margin and polyps are a strong purple/magenta color

 Click on the picture or hyperlink above to see more detailed pictures
no frags available $15 - 20

Montipora confusa

This species mainly encrusts and forms irregular columns. The base color is usually tan or brown but can glow green under actinic, with blue growing edges

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2 frags available $ 15 -  25

Montipora verrucosa (Yellow/green with purple polyps)

This species will encrust,  form thick plates and columns. The verrucae are about 1/8" of an inch across. The polyps are large and nested between the verrucae. Under daylight this colony is a green-yellow cream color with  purple-violate polyps. Under antic light it looks lime-green with blue polyps.

Click on the picture or hyperlink above to see more detailed pictures
no frags available $ 20 -  35

Montipora (sp)Blody Mary Monti LE

This species will encrust,  form thick plates.

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 frags available $35 - 50

Montipora verruculosus

This species will encrust,  form thick plates and columns.

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no frags available $25 - 35

Montipora capitata

This species looks very similar to Montipora verrucosa in texture. It will encrust and send out branches. The verrucae are about 1/8" of an inch across. The polyps are large and nested between the verrucae. Under daylight this colony is a green-yellow cream color with  purple-violate polyps. Under antic light it looks lime-green with blue polyps.

Click on the picture or hyperlink above to see more detailed pictures
frags available $ 20 - 35

Montipora porites (orange/red)

This species grows similar to Montipora digitata, it has red polyps and a tan base color. Under Blue enough light the base color can appear to be blue making it look like the "Superman digitata"

Click on the picture or hyperlink above to see more detailed picture
  frags available $ 10 -20

Montipora digitata (purple base with green polyps)

This species grows thin branches and encrusts. Under high lighting the background color goes to a purple and contrasts the green polyps quite nicely.

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  2 frags available $ 20

Montipora porites (blue polyp)

Also known as the "German blue digitata" This species grows similar to Montipora digitata, it has purple or blue  polyps (depending on your lighting) and a white/tan base color that may show green under actinic light. Picture taken under 20K halide.

Click on the picture or hyperlink above to see more detailed pictures
  frags available  $10-20


Montipora digitata (red / orange)

This species grows thin branches and encrusts it has red/orange polyps and base color.

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frags available $10


Montipora stellata (green and purple)

This species grows thin branches and encrusts it has interesting ridge formations and comes in purple or green. I have chosen to sell this species as a combo frag. You get a green and a purple frag, the spots where they touch each other it looks as though they are compatible in that they don't fight, however they don't seem to fuse in that the green color isn't infecting the purple and vise versa.

   frags available $20

Montipora spumosa

This species encrusts and will grow irregular branches. The base color is green and has majenta growing tips and edges .

Click on the picture or hyperlink above to see more detailed pictures
frags available $15 - 20

Montipora setosa (Orange)

Brilliant solid orange, this coral seems to easily maintain its orange appearance under medium to high light. This species will forms columns and encrusts.

Click on the picture or hyperlink above to see more detailed pictures
frags available $20 - 30

Montipora saudii

 This species forms thicker branches than the setosa and encrusts. A very slow grower it averages 1/16" a month. The color of white polyps and a cream to brown base seem to be its main coloration.  Over time green can appear in the base color when kept under halide or T5 lighting

Click on the picture or hyperlink above to see more detailed picture
no frags available
$15 - 20

Green capricornis

This species will encrust slightly then form plates and whorls. It is bright green with tiny bright green polyps, and the growing edges are pale.

Click on the picture or hyperlink above to see more detailed pictures
 frags available $15 - 20

Orange capricornis

This species will encrust slightly then form plates and whorls. It is bright orange/pink with tiny bright orange polyps, and the growing edges are pale. Under lower light levels it will become darker red. 

Click on the picture to see more detailed pictures
 frags available $15 - 25

Blue/Purple capricornis

This is a current Steve Tyree LE. This species will encrust slightly then form plates and whorls. It is an intense purple which may look blue under antic light. it has tiny bright purple  polyps, and the growing edges are pale. 

Click on the picture or hyperlink above to see more detailed pictures
 frags available  $25 - 35

Combo capricornis "Color Wheel"

This is an interesting combo, you get a green, red/orange and purple. Over time they plate and whorl through and over each other. In the spots where they touch the don't seem to harm each other making this an interesting piece to watch grow and change over time. To the left shows an example of how the montipora interact as they grow.

Click on the picture or hyperlink above to see more detailed pictures
Combo frags available  $35 - 45

Flower petal Polyps (plating sp.)

This is a current Steve Tyree LE. This species will encrust slightly then form plates and whorls. It has an intense purple edge and blue polyps, on the tip of each tentacle there is a white spot, making each polyp look kind of like a flower thus Steve Tyree gave it the name "Flower Petal Polyps" The base color seems to vary depending on lighting, currently it is a greenish/yellow/gold color

Click on the picture or hyperlink above to see more detailed picture
no frags available  $35 - 45

Montipora sp. green with blue rim

This originated as a small fragment from a display tank at Seaside Tropical back in 2009

 Click on the picture or hyperlink above to see more detailed picture
1 frag available $25 - 35

Montipora sp. green with purple rim

This originated from Shawn Bennit back in 2004 as a small fragment, it seems quite hearty and has a nice magenta growing edge. There are many green with purple rim caps around but this one stands out with it's light green polyps contrasting against the darker green background.

Click on the picture or hyperlink above to see more detailed pictures
3 frags available $25 - 35

Montipora foliosa (blue polyp)

This is a retired Steve Tyree LE. This species will encrust and form plates. Under daylight this colony is a green color with  blue polyps. Photo taken under daylight filtered through my blue lids

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3 frags available  $35 - 45


Montipora sp (Seasons Greetings)

This species will encrust and form plates.

no  frags available  $35 - 45

Montipora sp (blue polyp blue edge)

This species will encrust and form plates. Picture taken under 20K lighting at night.

 frags available  $35 - 45


Montipora sp "Strawberry Patch"

This is a current Steve Tyree LE. This species will encrust slightly and form whirling plates.

Click on the picture or hyperlink above to see more detailed pictures
no frag available
 $ 60

Montipora foliosa

This species will encrust slightly and form plates. Under daylight this colony is a green color with  light greenish polyps. Photo taken under 20K lighting.

Click on the picture or hyperlink above to see more detailed pictures 
 frags available
 $15 - 25